Independent Talent Group

Roxana Adle (Literary Agent) Susan Barritt (Voiceover Agent) Sarah Camlett (Talent Agent) Sara Elleman (Voiceover Agent) Humphrey Ellis Hill (Literary Agent) Jane Epstein (Talent Agent) Nick Forgacs (Talent Agent) Sue Greenleaves (Production Agent) Duncan Heath (Chairman/Talent and Literary Agent) Samira Higham (Talent Agent) Laura Hill (Presenters Agent) Will Hollinshead (Talent Agent) Greg Hunt (Literary Agent) Vanessa Jones (Production Agent) Cathy King (Literary Agent) Sally Long-Innes (Managing Director/Talent Agent) Paul Lyon-Maris (Co-Chairman/Talent and Literary Agent) Claire Maroussas (Talent Agent) Michael McCoy (Literary Agent) Jennie Miller (Literary Agent) Lizzie Newell (Talent Agent) Louise Owen (Commercials Agent) Giacomo Palazzo (Talent Agent) Lyndsey Posner (Managing Director) Sue Rodgers (Literary Agent) Laura Rourke (Literary Agent) Oliver Slinger (Talent Agent) Chris Smith (Production Agent) Paul Stevens (Literary Agent) Jessica Stone (Presenters Agent) Jessica Sykes (Literary Agent) Rachael Taylor (Production Agent) Jack Thomas (Literary Agent) Deborah Willey (Talent Agent) Hugo Young (Literary Agent)