Agency for the Performing Arts, Inc. (Los Angeles)

405 S. Beverly Dr
Beverly Hills CA 90212
Pete Anderson (Concerts) Dan Baron (Talent) Ralph Berge (Physical Production Co-Head) Matt Birch (Physical Production Co-Head) Troy Blakely (Executive VP) Bonnie Broad (Reception) Max Burgos (Talent) Carlos Carreras (Talent) Alexandra Cohen (Branded and Digital) Sheva Cohen (Talent) Scott Colton (Concerts) Ellory Courvoisier (Media Coordinator) Nathan DeRemer (TV Literary Coordinator) Debbie Deuble (Feature Literary) Aaron Dixon (Concerts) Brian Dow (Head) Steven Fisher (Feature Literary) Charlie Garnsey (Business Affairs) Jay Gilbert (Physical Production Co-Head) Mike Goldberg (TV Literary) Jim Gosnell (President/CEO) Tyler Grasham (Talent) John Griffin (Talent/Comedy) Amanda Hacohen (TV Literary) Malcolm Hamilton (TV Literary) Gil Harari (Physical Production Co-Head) Lindsay Howard (TV Literary) Josh Humiston (Concert) Julia Johnson (Business Affairs) Joanne Johnson (Admin Director) Marc Kamler (Alternative TV) Jaime Kelsall (Concerts) Michael Kirschner (Physical Production) Kyle Komen (Alternative TV) Myles Lam (Library) Noel Largess (Concerts) Joan Lee (Concerts) Jenine Leigh (Branded and Digital) Jack Leighton (TV Literary) Thora Leiken (Business Affairs) Josh Levenbrown (Alternative TV) Kyle Loftus (TV Literary) Will Lowery (Feature Literary) Ryan Martin (Head) Barry McPherson (Head) Elizabeth Meczka (Tour Marketing) David Meese (TV Literary) Hayden Meyer (Head) Julie Meza (Physical Production) Alan Moore (Alternative TV) Marina Moyses (Physical Production) Keith Naisbitt (Concerts International) Paul-Anthony Navarro (Library) Craig Newman (Concerts) Lauren Nogy (Branded and Digital) Kelsey Novak (Physical Production) John Pantle (Concerts) Dustin Parker (Branded and Digital) A.J. Paul (Concerts International) Amanda Pecora (Physical Production) Adam Perry (Feature Literary) Jonathan Perry (Talent) Sheryl Petersen (Feature Literary) Josh Pollack (Comedy) Ferry Rais-Shaghaghi (Concerts) Tim Redman (IT) Ron Rewald (Director) Chris Ridenhour (Feature Literary) Josh Rittenhouse (Concerts) Paul Santana (Talent) Ryan Saul (Feature Literary) David Saunders (Head) Julian Savodivker (Physical Production) Larry Sheffield (Business Affairs) Scott Simpson (Talent) Garrett Smith (Branded and Digital) Bruce Solar (Concerts) Andy Somers (Concerts) Brian Speiser (Alternative TV) Bradie Steinlauf (Talent) Brady Torgeson (Physical Production) Adam Vodofsky (Tour Marketing) David Waugh (Operations) Christianne Weiss (Concerts) Manfred Westphal (Chief Marketing & Communications Officer) Jeff Witjas (Talent) Val Wolfe (Concerts)
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